Perhaps this scheme will enable us to hear more often from each other
A poetic spatial-visual-sonic journey
Asher Arnon
The work Perhaps this scheme will enable us to hear more often from each other is the major of four audiovisual compositions of an interdisciplinary practice-based PhD research portfolio. The research – Visual Music Strategies and the Sense of Place – explores concepts and creative methods by relating strategies of visual music to the notion of sense of place within a broader inquiry regarding place representation by spatial, visual and sonic means. Conceived and realised as a large-scale audiovisual installation, Perhaps this scheme demonstrates varying angles of the research regarding issues of space, time, place, situation and being. It also suggests a new way to tell stories of places by fusion of a documentary journey narrative with music-oriented compositional approaches embedded within an installation setup.
The work contributes to existing practical and theoretical knowledge relevant to the disciplines it encompasses. From the sense of place angle, it demonstrates diverse possibilities of employing visual music considerations in audiovisual representations of places. From the visual music perspective, in its explicit documentary and referential approach, the work challenges traditional conceptions of visual music as an abstract nonrepresentational artform, thus adding to its discourse and palette of practical application.
The work contributes to existing practical and theoretical knowledge relevant to the disciplines it encompasses. From the sense of place angle, it demonstrates diverse possibilities of employing visual music considerations in audiovisual representations of places. From the visual music perspective, in its explicit documentary and referential approach, the work challenges traditional conceptions of visual music as an abstract nonrepresentational artform, thus adding to its discourse and palette of practical application.