Intangible Materialities: Exploring the unseen in practice based research
Ben Dixon, Ben McDonnell and Molly Pardoe

This paper draws together the seemingly disparate practices of painting, field recording and music transcription. We suggest that these exploratory, practice based research methodologies can be used to reveal, listen to and deepen the materiality of “intra-actions” that these practices comprise (Barad, 2007). We seek to embody this through a co-authored iteration of our combined process that highlights material practices and dialogue emerging from our research community.
Ben Dixon, Ben McDonnell and Molly Pardoe met on the Art Practice and Learning PhD programme at Goldsmiths University, London. Through sharing a studio, performing crits and speaking conferences together they are starting to articulate the individual elements of the practice through a meta dialogue around practice, new materialism, looking and listening.
Ben Dixon, Ben McDonnell and Molly Pardoe met on the Art Practice and Learning PhD programme at Goldsmiths University, London. Through sharing a studio, performing crits and speaking conferences together they are starting to articulate the individual elements of the practice through a meta dialogue around practice, new materialism, looking and listening.